Matrix of Roles and Permissions

Legend: = included in role, = not included in role, ↩ = extends the Contributor permissions

Function Contributor Section Editor** Editor Manager Builder
Administrative Panel Functions
Access administration panel
Access toolbar
Access contextual links
Access in-place editing
Menu, administer
Content, create
Content, edit own
Content, delete own
Content, edit any
Content, delete any
Publish content ✓* ✓**
Upload files
Create URL aliases
* By default, contributors can publish unless Workflows and Content Moderation are enabled on your site.
Revisions, view own
Revisions, revert own
Revisions, delete own
Revisions, view all
Revisions, revert all
Revisions, delete all
Blocks, create
Blocks, edit
Blocks, delete
Blocks, assign
Layout Builder
Content - Basic Page: Configure all layout overrides
Create and edit custom blocks
Section Library administration
Section Library, create new templates
Section Library, delete templates
Section Library, edit templates
Section Library, import from library
Section Library, view library templates
Taxonomy, create
Taxonomy, edit
Taxonomy, delete
Taxonomy, assign
Site Configuration
Site configuration
Site reports
Google Analytics
Redirects, manage
CSS Editor
Theme, view
Theme, edit
Switch shortcut sets
Display Modes
Content types, create
Contact Forms
Image styles, edit
User profiles and permissions
User profiles, view
User profiles, create
User profiles, edit
User profiles, delete
Permissions Panel
Multi-language Translations
Administer Translation settings
Administer Languages
Translate interface text
Create Translations
Delete Translations
Edit Translations
Translation any entity
Content Moderation
Editorial workflow: Use Archive transition
Editorial workflow: Use Create New Draft transition
Editorial workflow: Use Publish transition
Editorial workflow: Use Restore transition
Editorial workflow: Use Restore to Draft transition
View any unpublished content
View the latest version
Clone Entity
Clone all contact form entities
Clone all block entities
Clone all custom block entities
Clone all content entities
Clone all vocabulary term entities
Clone all content type entities
Clone all custom block type entities
Clone all date format entities
Clone all field entities
Clone all image style entities
Clone all taxonomy vocabulary entities
Clone all text editor entities
Clone all text format entities
Create webforms
Edit own webform
Delete own webform
Access the webform overview page
Administer webform element access
Administer webform submissions
Administer webforms
Delete any webform
Edit CSS/JS webform assets
Edit any webform
View any webform submission
Edit webform source code
Workbench Access**
Only applicable if SiteFarm Advanced Access is enabled
Allow all members of this role to be assigned to Workbench Access sections
Assign users to all Workbench Access sections
Assign users to all Workbench Access sections