Insert Pull Quotes

You have the ability to emphasize portions of your text content by styling it as a block quote or pull quote.

Insert a basic blockquote

  1. Navigate to the content you want to style and select its Edit option.
  2. In the WYSIWYG, highlight the text you want to style.
  3. Click on the Block Quote icon - Pull quote icon
  4. Click Save to complete this step.

Demonstration of a blockquote on a page in SiteFarm:

"This is a blockquote! Blockquotes are great! We should use them more often!"


Style a blockquote as a pullquote


What's the difference between a blockquote and a pullquote?

A blockquote is used in online writing to differentiate a section of quoted text from the text around it. [...] Pull quotes are made up of text that is pulled from the text—that is, duplicated—and presented on the page as an attention-grabbing visual element.

John Slott, March 05, 2019
The Difference Between Blockquotes and Pull Quotes

A blockquote is used in online writing to differentiate a section of quoted text from the text around it. [...] Pull quotes are made up of text that is pulled from the text—that is, duplicated—and presented on the page as an attention-grabbing visual element.






Style your blockquote as a pullquote

  1. Highlight the text you created for your blockquote.
  2. From the Styles drop-down menu in your WYSIWYG bar, select one of the following:
    • Pullquote - fixes the quote to a width of 100%, forcing the content to stop above and then resume below the quote.
    • Pullquote left - fixes the quote to a width of 50% of the body space, aligned to the left.
    • Pullquote right - fixes the quote to a width of 50% of the body space, aligned to the right.
  3. If credit is given to a person at the end of the pullquote, you can highlight the name and any associated text and italicize it to provide emphasis in the form of a box around the name.