AggieFeed Block

What is AggieFeed?

AggieFeed is a campus aggregator that will retrieve news posts from different departments on campus that are members of the AggieFeed system. The block is designed to display the news items based on your configuration choices.

Location of the AggieFeed block

  1. Navigate to Structure » Block Layout.
  2. Locate the AggieFeed listing, most likely in the First or Second Sidebar list.

Configure the AggieFeed block

  1. Click on the AggieFeed block's corresponding Configure button, located in the Operations column.
  2. Provide the following:
    1. Title - required, but you can opt to not display it
    2. Select source(s) - At this time you can select one source option from the listing
    3. Number of posts - Provide the number of posts you want to be displayed on-screen
    4. Maximum character count - how many characters should be displayed per post
    5. Social Sharing - Choose which social media networks users can share activities with
    6. Show post actions - If present, it will show basic post actions such as content expand/collapse and social share icons
    7. Show post actions event - Show event sharing icon, which contains: 1) Add to Google Calendar and 2) Download iCalendar File
    8. Feed icon - Choose the type of icon to show next to each activity
    9. Custom "No Posts Message" - Would you like to customize the "No Posts Message"?
    10. Install the FontAwesome library for icons - If you aren't sure then uncheck this option. You can then come back and turn it on if social icons in the bottom right do not appear
  3. Configure your block's visibility settings.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Save to finish.
  5. Review your block's position in the block layout page and, if you make changes, click the Block Layout's Save button to finish.

Screen capture of an event listed in an AggieFeed event regarding the opening of the Shrem Museum of Art.
