
Use Twig to create interactive webform calculations

We recently spoke with Ryan Jones from TAPS goClub group about a fascinating project to show commuters just how much pollution they are individually contributing to the environment. In addition to the eye-opening data it provides, the webform created by Ryan and his colleague Ramon Zavala also provides a perfect example of how you can incorporate calculations into your forms and share them with your users.

Take in the View: Create a multi-tag filter system for visitors

We recently had a feature request from a client looking for a visitor-facing tag filter system to find content that shares more than one tag. As this is a niche request, the View won't be added to the service, but it's an interesting exercise in creating a user interface that allows your visitors to drill down to the specific topic content they want to see.

Site Builders

Should you be a Site Builder?

Let's look at a scenario. You've been working on your site for a month or two now, and you feel like you've mastered the basics—all the topics in the Training > For everyone and > For managers sections are familiar to you. Now, you find yourself looking critically at your site and thinking, "I feel like I should be able to do more with this."