
Create a clickable taxonomy-based icon grid

We've had a few enterprising users ask how the Horticulture site put together their Block Chain icon grid presented on their site's homepage. Take ten minutes to watch Carson Black, senior developer, give a video overview of how this was created for the department by the Web Development team.

Add a full pager navigation to your 404 page list

For site owners concerned with managing 404 - page not found issues and broken links, the 404 list available in your site is invaluable. The default configuration is less than optimal however as the pager navigation gives you almost no idea how many pages of 404 issues you have and only a limited method of navigating through the list. If you're a Site Builder, let's look at a fix.

Add a branding color to your custom category filter

It may have occurred to you that it would be nice to display a colorful, custom category filter that links to information pages, but on creating it you no doubt discovered that custom vocabularies don't offer anywhere to set a branding color like the Article or Event Category lists do. This write-up will show you how to incorporate it into your own custom taxonomies to get that same effect and presentation.

Take in the View: Exclude the page you're on from a related content list

OSTraining has put together a great use case showing how to use a View's contextual filters to ensure that the page you're on is not included in an attached block displaying related content. The article takes you step-by-step through the process and includes instructive screenshots to help keep you oriented through the process. If you're interested in building Views for your site, click through and take a look.

Take in the View: Create a multi-tag filter system for visitors

We recently had a feature request from a client looking for a visitor-facing tag filter system to find content that shares more than one tag. As this is a niche request, the View won't be added to the service, but it's an interesting exercise in creating a user interface that allows your visitors to drill down to the specific topic content they want to see.

Content related by Tags

If you've been working with SiteFarm's various page types for a little while, you probably noticed that certain content types, like Article and Events, allow you to relate content through a Category taxonomy. It may have occurred to you that it would be great to relate content in a similar way even if it doesn't have access to the Category system.

Instead, what we have to offer you, is a system block called Content related by Tags.