Custom Term Pages

Taxonomy (Vocabularies and Tags)

Your SiteFarm site includes a means of displaying content that is associated with a specific tag or term. Some of these lists already exists by default as part of your initial site setup, but you are welcome to create your own custom Vocabularies (lists of terms that are related) and Tags (content that can be created ahead of time or on-the-fly within a content type).

Create or modify vocabularies & terms

The process for creating terms is identical regardless of whether those terms will be used in content type specific categories, tags, branding, or other term lists you custom create for yourself. 

Some content types, like Basic page, allow for the additional option to color-code the content to a brand color that you designate.

To modify an existing term list

  1. Navigate to Shortcuts » Taxonomy in the admin panel.
  2. From the Taxonomy page, modify an existing list, such as Tags, Categories, or Branding, by clicking on the List Terms link in the Operations column that corresponds with your selection. or by using its drop-down menu and clicking Add terms.
  3. Click the Add Term button at the top
  4. The Add Term page allows you to include:
    1. Name (required)
    2. Brand color (if offered)
    3. Description (optional) - an explanation of what the term is, what it's for, or what it should include are just a few possible ways to use this field. Any information included here will be displayed at the top of the page where all related content is listed. For example, if you created a term 'Science' and then entered a Description of "This page displays all content related to science news, innovations, and events on campus" then that description text will show beneath the Science term page listing all pertinent content types tagged with 'Science'. 
    4. Relations - the order the terms are listed and whether or not one term might be nested beneath another in a parent-child relationship,
    5. URL - unless necessary to change, we recommend leaving it on the default "Generate automatic URL alias". 
  5. Click Save when complete.

Create a custom vocabulary list

  1. Navigate to Shortcuts » Taxonomy in the admin panel.
  2. From the Taxonomy page, click the Add Vocabulary button to create a new list of terms.
  3. If you're creating a new vocabulary, provide a Name and Description of the Vocabulary that will contain the related terms. Click the Save button. 
  4. When your Vocabulary is created, now you can add terms. Click the Add Term to begin.
  5. The Add Term page allows you to include:
    1. Name (required)
    2. Description
    3. Relations
    4. URL
  6. Click Save when complete.

Locate the link to your term pages

Each of the terms you’ve designated in a vocabulary will auto-generate a list of all the content sharing that term. You will need to take note of the pathway to each.

  1. Navigate to Shortcuts » Taxonomy » Your vocabulary
  2. For each of your terms, take the following steps:
    1. Click on the term name
    2. The system will display a page containing all content nodes containing this term
    3. In the URL field in your browser, take note of the pathway. You will see something like:
      The part you need is /tags/festivals
      NOTE: that the namespace /tags/ will always be the same with just the name of your vocabulary term added at the end.
  3. Make a list of your term page pathways

Add links to each term page in your main menu

You may want to give visitors a way to navigate directly to a term page. You can manually add the links to your primary menu.

  1. Navigate from either Structure » Main Menu or Shortcuts » Main Menu
  2. Click the +Add link button
  3. Provide the following:
    1. Link title - the text that will display in the menu
    2. Link - this is the /tags/yourtermhere information you collected in the previous step
    3. Parent link - you can choose to add this link as a child to an existing page like News or a page of your own creation.
    4. Click Save to finish
  4. Re-order your links if necessary by dragging and dropping them into the order you want them to appear on-screen
  5. Click Save to finish