Announcing the SiteFarm 5.0.0 Release
SiteFarm 5.0.0, full of our latest features and fixes, will be released on Monday evening, August 6th, and available for your use first thing Tuesday, August 7, 2018. Check out our latest additions to the service.
CSS Editor - a long-wished-for piece of technology has now been integrated into your site, this addition serves as an intermediary step between the default site offerings and full-on sub-theming. A single built-in CSS page will allow site managers to add a limited amount of CSS to effect presentation and layout changes to your site.
Workflow and Content Moderation - a two-fold benefit! First, enabling this on your page types will allow you to save content as a Draft for updating content already published and, second, implement an approval workflow process. Configuration documentation for managers is available.
Content Audit Expansion - the Content Audit view in your Content section now provides more information based on the details entered into the Content Audit section of your pages, including who is assigned, due dates, publish state, notes, and more. We have also included a new field for Audiences, which can refer to internal or external groups depending on your departmental needs. Configuration documentation for managers is available.
Priority Links - ever popular, we received countless requests for something like the circular links on the UC Davis home page. While not 100% identical, we have created a method that allows our users to replicate the look and feel to a close degree that extends the Focal Link block to new functionality in the brand new region Link Grid, specifically designed for this feature.
Font Awesome and Focal Links - we have adopted Font Awesome's icon library for use with our Focal Link block, giving everyone well over 1,000 icons to pick from for your creative expression. The original icons are still available, but as a downloadable .zip file you can prepare through an image editing program in case you would still like to use a previously offered icon.
User Permissions Panel - as the service has grown and our users have opted to include custom content types, create intranets, and employ functionality that exists but isn't enabled by default, it's become more and more obvious that granting a window into some of these more commonly used configuration areas is necessary. The new User Permissions panel is visible to Site Builders and currently includes the ability to assign permissions to custom content types, Workflows and Content Moderation, and Taxonomies. To provide users with a consistent interface experience, please be sure to review the Role Matrix to see how other sections of the site have already been configured for the different user roles.
Disqus Block - after thorough research into the available options for commenting, moderation, and forums in Drupal modules, we decided that none of these met our particular needs for the campus. The research was completed after a recent blog write-up outlining the steps for incorporating Disqus into your site, but given our findings, we decided to make this an integrated part of the service and this is now a default System block available for your use, easily applied to either individual pages or across complete content types.
Indent and Outdent WYSIWYG icons - two new icons will be added to the top row of your (What You See Is What You Get) bar allowing you to indent content for visual offsets, and then outdent again if necessary, though not beyond the original left margin of the content area.
Image files limited to 3MB - Files uploaded to your site are now limited to 3MB across the board. This decision was made for several reasons: managing service space on Acquia Cloud for everyone, requiring sites to optimize their images for the web to improve performance, and ensuring images are of a size and DPI appropriate for phones. Older photos may no longer appear, though they are still in your system's files. If you're not familiar with the process, we encourage you to prep and optimize your images appropriately for your site.
Sub main menu blocks allow a link back to the parent page - A new section of the block's Style section includes a checkbox stating, "Use the Parent link as the title of the block (make sure "Display Title" is checked)."
Bug Fixes
- When the "Un-stick the Header when scrolling" was used in Appearance, this setting does not apply to Authenticated User or any custom roles
- Wordpress migration was creating redirects even if the current path is the same as the old path, causing errors.
- The bullet list styles in the Feature box widget showed double arrows or alignment issues
- Button link style in main content extended off the page in mobile view
- Feed outputs from SiteFarm RSS feeds were showing the title twice
- A teaser box viewed in IE 11 outputted a display that is about half the width it should be within its own container
- CSV Person migration failed to import files if the directory does not already exist
- The error message on the Configuration page has been removed
- When the mega menu is enabled, on rollout it would push the page content down with an odd hop at its breakpoint
- Focal link hover state in the footer has been styled so it shows up appropriately
- Related Content in the Article content type does not display in the preferred order, and instead, it defaults to alpha order ascending
- When migrating Cascade content AND navigation, the page Menu Settings did not know a menu item exists though the page link is available in the main nav
- Clients migrating from Cascade had discovered that text in each repeating content block's Heading field is not included in the migration.
- All block components are now using the same class settings to provide consistent layout margins and padding
- Cascade imported content in Full HTML editing mode; changed to Basic HTML so people can edit it
- Teaser Link Box displays was only half its width when viewed in IE 11 browser.
- If a slogan was set to display in the Site Credits block, the output is only showing the first letter in the slogan field, cutting out the rest.
- Menu blocks added to the Top Content regions now have menu style applied